Mankind is in constant the constant search for exotic remedies, often neglecting some of the simple cures that grow practically in our own back yards. Red clover is one of those remedies. It's a gentle, but powerful alterative that can be used for skin problems like acne, respiratory and lymphatic congestion, and even cancer.A member of the pea family and closely related to alfalfa, red clover can often be spotted in lawns, pastures, and on roadsides. I saw it growing everywhere on my recent…
Have you been feeling a little stressed lately? If so, try imagining an escape to a tropical beach where you can lay back and relax sipping a pina colada while soaking up some sunshine. And while you might not be able to escape to the islands right now, you can make yourself a relaxing kava kava pina colada. I’ve been making one and drinking some every night this past week and it has really helped me relax, sleep better and feel calmer. Kava kava is native to the South Pacific islands and its…
When I first started using natural remedies, I thought that the main difference between modern medicine and natural medicine was the remedies that were used. A popular slogan in those days was “I use herbs instead.” We were choosing to use herbs in place of drugs to treat diseases. During this early period, when I was just starting out, I would look up a disease in an herb book and see what herbs people had used for it. I was relying on something one of my early herb teachers, Edward Milo Millet,…
When you've been studying plants as long as I have, some of them become like old friends. You can easily spot them while driving 60 miles an hour down the road. One of those plant friends for me is the elderberry bush. My first experience using elder was to gather the wild berries, which I made into elderberry syrup. Later I wildcrafted the flowers to make my Children's Composition formula for colds, flu, and fever. Over the years I've found that other parts of the plant that are useful too. The…
In the late 1980s I learned a very valuable lesson about creating happiness in life that I want to share with you. While visiting with my chiropractor Dr Brenay and a friend I was lucky to meet his brother, Dr. Alsop. During our visit he starting asking us what we wanted in life, but whatever we replied, he asked again, "And why do you want it?" And when we answered, he continued, "And why do you want that?"Eventually, he drove the point home that we want things because we think they will make us…
Emotions are contagious. You can catch them from other people just like you can catch a virus. When millions of people around the world are experiencing similar emotions, we might call that an emotional pandemic. Emotional pandemics are dangerous things. They create hysteria, a situation where people are overwhelmed by the group emotions and can't think straight. Think of it this way. A mob is like an epidemic of anger. It makes people lose their normal sense of right and wrong and engage in…
If you've ever heard someone call a remedy "snake oil" to condemn it as fake or unproven you might be surprised to learn it got its start with echinacea. In the 1880s Dr. H.C.F. Meyer patented remedy for snake bites with echinacea as the primary ingredient. He sold it as a cure-all, claiming to have used it to cure over 600 snakebites.
Ginkgo leaf from In 1972, I took my first field botany class, Trees and Shrubs, at the University of Utah. It was during that class I first learned about ginkgo. My teacher told us that the ginkgo tree was a living fossil, a tree that was believed to be extinct at one time because Western botanists had only found fossils of the leaves. As it turned out it was still growing in small areas in China thanks to the cultivation of Chinese monks. Since…