• October 21, 2019

My Introduction to Cannabis

With the growing number of products containing hemp and the popularity of products with CBD or other cannabinoids, it’s time to share my own knowledge and thoughts on the subject.It’s important to note that this is a new field of research and science is learning more all the time, so we don’t have a complete understanding of what hemp and cannabinoids like CBD do. So it is important to keep learning. But, just because we don't fully understand how an herb works we can still use it derive benefit from it.

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  • October 20, 2019

Turmeric and Curcumin

Turmeric is an Indian spice that imparts a yellow color to curry dishes. Native to tropical Southeast Asia, turmeric is in the same botanical family as ginger. It has been used as both food and medicine in Asia for thousands of years, but recent research has made the herb increasingly popular in Western herbalism. Much of this research has centered on curcumin, one of its most well-known constituents, but turmeric contains many valuable ingredients besides curcumin. It contains an essential oil…

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  • August 1, 2019

The Third Alternative

I've been listening to the audiobook of Steven R. Covey's The Third Alternative and its message resonates with my own soul. He talks about how we tend to get caught up in either-or situations where people get polarized on issues. They take one side or the other, each side pushing to get the other side to agree with them. A power struggle ensues in which each side tries to force the other side into giving in. When I took a parenting class back in college, many decades ago, one of the secrets I…

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  • May 31, 2013

Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

There’s a lot of information about the importance of friendly bacteria to the gastrointestinal tract. Intestinal microflora also called friendly flora or probiotics, play a role in regulating the immune system and keeping the colon healthy. However, most of the bacteria in your intestines should be in your colon or large intestines, not your small intestines. When abnormally large numbers of bacteria (even friendly bacteria) start growing in the small intestines, they actually cause problems with…

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  • April 3, 2008

Sealed Simmer Glycerites

One of the most difficult challenges a parent who wants to use herbal remedies faces with their kids is, “how do I get my child to to take it?”  While there are a number of tricks for getting children to use herbs, I find that the easiest and safest method of administering herbs to children is to make herbal glycerites.Glycerites are also a great way to make herbal preparations for adults who dislike swallowing capsules. It has the advantage over making tinctures because 1) it's faster and…

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