Be Prepared Mentally for Emergencies

Be Prepared Mentally for Emergencies

It's important to be mentally prepared to deal with emergencies because you can't anticipate everything that could go wrong. In fact, that's the problem with worry. Your mind tries to figure out everything that could go wrong and most of the time what…


Using Herbs with Children

Using Herbs with Children

Parents who want to use herbal medicines with their children face numerous questions. Is it safe to use herbs with children? If so, are there any herbs that you shouldn’t use with children? How do I adjust the dose for my child’s age and weight? And…


Be Prepared Physically for Emergencies

Be Prepared Physically for Emergencies

Who could have imagined in advance the events of 2020? The pandemic, lockdowns, and protests are things we aren't used to seeing in America. But, all this is an important reminder of why we should be prepared for emergencies. One never knows when difficulties…


Learning How to Learn

This first video is an overview of the Walter Gong model. Watch the video, then click here to take the quiz to see if you grasped the major points in the video.


The Master System for Learning and Teaching

The Master System for Learning and Teaching

In his final year of college, Steven Horne participated in an experimental class in learning and teaching based on Walter Gong's Three Person Problem, a model of education based on viewing everyone as both a learner and a teacher. Steven has used this…


Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

Are You Getting Enough Sleep?

Chances are that you aren’t.  Experts suggest that about half of all adult Americans suffer from some degree of insomnia and about one-third suffer from life-disrupting insomnia. Getting short-changed on your sleep occasionally isn’t a serious…


A Holistic Approach to Immunity

A Holistic Approach to Immunity

For decades I've watched an interesting phenomenon. The media announces a new virus or infectious disease and worried people call me asking me what the cure is. Over and over again I've tried to tell people that a healthy immune system combats all disease…


Neurodegenerative Disease

Neurodegenerative Disease

In recent years there has been an increase in the number of people who develop disorders where nerve cells in the brain or peripheral nervous system lose function over time and ultimately die. Collectively known as neurodegenerative diseases, the two…



Upcoming Events

Sound Moral Reasoning
January 16, 2025
An energetic approach to moral behavior and spiritual development

Gut-Brain Connection
January 28, 2025
The health of the gut affects the health of the brain,…

Module Four: Health Assessment Tools
February 18, 2025

Secrets to a Long Life
March 25, 2025
What we can learn about health from the world's blue zones

Autoimmune Disorders
April 29, 2025
When the body's immune system aims at the wrong target

Natural Help for Thyroid Disorders
May 27, 2025
Healing hypothyroid, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and Grave's disease

Educational Programs